Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Prevention of Cancer which exist in Plants (Other than Vitamin E, Vitamin C and Carotenoids)

 Prevention of Cancer which exist in Plants (Other than Vitamin E, Vitamin C and Carotenoids)


Food souces
Organic Sulfides

Stimulate enzymes that detoxify carcinogens

Garlic, onions


Antioxidants, directly cytotoxic to cancer cells
Green tea, black tea.


Antioxidants, directly cytotoxic to cancer cells. Prevent the merging of the hormones needed for cancer growth
Berries, Most offruits and vegetables

Phytic acid

Metalbinding, decrease absorption of iron



The possibility of blocking the growth of new blood vessels until the onset of swelling


Induces a protective enzyme Increases movement speed of stool through the colon, dissolving substances stop formation of carcinogens

Citrus fruit


Induces a protective enzyme
Mustard, radish

Friday, November 25, 2011

Selenium Combination, β-Carotene and Vitamin C / Vitamin E as Antioxidants.

Selenium is known as an essential trace element for humans and animals for over 30 years, although the plant does not seem to need it. Epidemiological research caution that people with low selenium consumption have a greater risk of cancer and cardiovascular disease. Animal research have shown that selenium protects against cancer caused by active metabolism of certain chemicals into cancer-causing agent by the liver: selenium seems to induce the synthesis of enzymes that detoxify katsinogen.

A research was conducted in 65 provinces in China with a diversity of types of diseases with the goal to support the concept that antioxidants may protect against cancer. The results obtained there is a consistent inverse correlation between the number of cancer deaths in 65 provinces with high levels of β-carotene, vitamin C and selenium in the blood.

While several other studies conducted with the goal to determine the effects of food supplements on cancer risk in the general population to obtain different results. The results of intervention trials conducted in non-Western populations show a beneficial effect of combined supplementation with β-carotene, vitamin E and selenium. However, from the two experiments conducted on Western populations, one showing lack of benefit of supplementation of β-carotene, vitamin E or vitamin C in prevention of colorectal adenomas.

Biochemical and epidemiological research have shown that antioxidant nutrients and foods that contain antioxidants likely have a significant protective effect in cancer prevention in humans.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Vitamin C and Vitamin E for Cancer


Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is a substance that dissolves in water. This vitamin is believed to be an antioxidant in extracellular fluids of the most important, and have good intracellular activity. Vitamin C, among others, Vitamin C is found in green peppers, broccoli, peppers, cabbage, tomatoes, potatoes, oranges, lemons and other fruits sitrum. Some of the epidemiological studies have found a relationship between low vitamin C consumption (or low levels of vitamin C in the blood) and increased risk of cancer, especially cancer of the esophagus, oral cancer, pancreatic cancer and stomach cancer. As with all epidemiological studies can be concluded that vitamin C is protective against cancer. High consumption of vitamin C or High vitamin C levels in the blood can be a factor, or combination of factors (including carotenoids) in foods that serve as protective against cancer.

This vitamin is a major antioxidant in all cell membranes, and protects unsaturated fatty acid, The object of oxidation events . Natural sources rich in vitamin E are vegetable oils (including salad oils and margarine), nuts and all grains. Wheat seed oil is the largest source of vitamin E.The evidence who link vitamin E and cancer risk is less extensive than vitamin C and carotenoids. Until now, the lack of reliable information about the content of vitamin E have hampered epidemiological studies on the consumption of foods containing vitamin E. The results in blood levels of vitamin E that has been done inconsistent; some comparison showed inverse association between levels of vitamin E and cancer risk, while others show no relationship between levels of vitamin E and cancer risk.

From the results of the National Cancer Institute research linking the use of supplements of vitamin E with a 50% reduction in risk of oral cancer  is known that nutrients vitamin E and multi vitamin does not have a significant effec.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Macronutrient Needs In Cancer Patients

When nutrition is required for long-term or there is difficulty fitting the hose can be done in surgical or endoscopic with esofagostomi, gastrostomi or jejonostomi. Speed ​​of enteral nutrition depends on the condition of patients. Patients with cancers of the head where the neck is still gut can be given well a bolus 300-500 cc several times per day, post-gastrectomy patients require administration by drip slowly 200 cc / hour, people with short bowel, malabsorption, radiation induced enteritis 100 cc / hour.

Food ingredients for enteral nutrition can be provided with nutritional counseling, may also use the enteral nutrition formula had circulated on the market that in general there are two categories based on the content of karohidrat that is full of fat and protein digestion and partial digestion formula formula. There are preparations are also high in protein or contain substances that are needed for improved its Immunological status of patients.

Parenteral nutrition (NPE) is given to sufficient sources of essential nutrients without the use of the gastrointestinal tract of intravenously. NPE can be divided into partial NPE (NPE-P) and total NPE (NPE-T) through peripheral or central vein. Tumors that affect the digestive system or actions which involving the digestive system resulting in impaired ingestion and digestion an indication of NPE. In granting the NPE consider types of solutions are required in accordance with the needs of macro-and micronutrients, note osmolarity of the solution (preferably less than 800-1000 mOsm / l and when it is not possible can be done infusion branch).

Needs macronutrient (carbohydrates fats and proteins) of cancer patients is very individual several studies have shown that about 50-60% of cancer patients who are treated feel abnormalities expenditur resting energy (REE) are highly variable so it is difficult to determine caloric needs in general. to determine the need for calories, should be set in advance the goal of nutritional therapy and determine the factors that influence it such as nutritional status, type of tumor, therapy should be given to the tumor, presence of infection and disease duration. Calorie needs for maintenance purposes is 115-130% of REE, while uintuk increase BB is required to 150% REE. Measurement of REE based on Harnis Benedict formula: for men REE (kcal / day) = 666 + (13.7 x weight) + (5 x TB) - (6.8 x age); women REE (kcal / day) = 655 + (9.5 x weight) + (1.8 x TB) - (4.7 x age). BB is weight in kilograms, TB is high bdan in cm, age in years. Patients can be added around 20-50% of REE are given in the form non-protein calories to fulfill energy during activity or in connection expenditur with illness. Energy needs can also be estimated by multiplying as follows: BB x 30-35 kcal / day. Protein requirement is 0.8 to 1.2 grams per kg BB per day. Patients with malnutrition can be given 1.5 g / kg BW / day. Required polyunsaturated fatty acids (linoleic acid) of about 2-4% of total calories and cholesterol <200 mg / day.

Mikronitrien consists of vitamins, minerals and elements frace. several studies have showed that deficiency of certain vitamins, minerals and elements related frace with certain cancers. Prompts consumption of vitamins are: Vitamin C 300 - 400 mg / day but some researchers recommend vitamin C intake of 300-1000 mg reduce the risk of cancer, Vitamin A (β - carotene) as anti-oxidants 25000-50000 IU, Vitamin E 100-400 units / day as an antioxidant. recommendation consumption of potassium, sodium and chloride respectively 45-145 meq / day, calcium 60 meq / day, magnesium 35 meq / day, and phosphate 23 mmol

Monday, November 7, 2011

The Effect of Malnutrition in Cancer Patients


Malnutrition and of cachexia can give a bad impact on the structure and function of almost all organs and body systems. On the cardiovascular system : weight loss of 24% associated with decreased heart content by 17%, can occur arterial hypotension, bradycardia, decreased venous pressure, decreased oxygen consumption, stroke volume and cardiac output decreased; the lung: changes in anatomy due to atrophy and weakening respiratory muscles, impaired ability to clear secretions, decreased elasticity of lung tissue and lead to enlargement of the air cavity; in the gastrointestinal tract: gastrointestinal and pancreatic atrophy so that the enzyme digestion decreased, motility and decreased gastric acid secretion, growth occurs Excessive bacteria in the small intestine, malabsorption and lactose intolerance due to edema of small intestine in hipoalbunemia; on increase in liver glycogen, fatty infiltration; the kidney: glumerular filtration rate and decreased blood flow; on hematological system: namely pancytopenia anemia can occur normochrom normositer, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, hypoplasia of bone marrow cellular elements; in the immune system causes a decrease in cellular immunity while humoral immunity is not clear effects; hampered due to inhibition of wound healing nervaskularisasi, fibroblast proliferation, collagen synthesis, wound remodeling and the presence of edema in patients with hypoalbuminemia; on muskoloskeletal system in the form of reduced muscle mass skeletal, increased fatigue, the changing pattern of contraction and relaxation of muscles, reduced bone mass and osteoporotic. This situation will cause increase in susceptibility to infections, impaired wound healing, tolerance bored to therapy, lower quality of life and increased mortality and morbidity of cancer patients.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The Definition of Micronutrient and Electrolyte Disturbances


Micronutrient deficiencies are various Components / substances in food can effect in development of cancer through several mechanisms including carcinogen metabolism disorders, antioxidants, increased differentiation, barriers growth and immunologic settings. Vitamin C and E function as antioxidants, stimulate the immune system, which prevents the formation of nitrite reduced nitrosamines that play a role in tumor cell formation. Vitamin A serves to control the cell differentiation and plays a role in immunological host defense. Decreased levels of certain vitamins may be associated with certain malignancies (vitamin A on cancer colorectal, esophageal, leukemia, lymphoma; beta carotene on gastric cancer, pancreatic, oral and thyroid; Vit.E on lung cancer, gastric, prostate, gall bladder, leukemia, lymphoma, malignant bone tumors, tumors of the central nervous system; Vit. C in lung cancer, gastric, pancreas, esophagus, colon, prostate; Vit.D (and Calcium) in colon cancer. Trace elements such as selenium, zinc, and manganase - Copper is a cofactor for several antioxidant enzymes such as glutahione peroxidase, RNA polymerase, superoxide dismutase, and diamine oxidase. Metabolism is affected in patients with cancer, for example there is an increasing zinc levels in urine melanoma patients, gynecological malignancies, and lung, as well as levels of in patients with low plasma Ca prostate. Deficiency of selenium found in Ca cervix, lung and gall bladder

Electrolyte disturbances

Hipercalcemia, hyperphosphatemia, and hyperkalemia associated hipocalcemia with tumor lysis syndrome (TLS), which often occurs in lymphoma as a result rapid tumor breakdown, either directly as a result of rapid tumor growth followed by the death of tumor cells directly or as a result of therapy is characterized by hiperurusemia due to DNA breakdown, hyperkalemia due to solving the cytosol, hyperphosphatemia due to protein breakdown and hipercalcemia due to hyperphosphatemia. Hipocalcemia, hipomagnesemia and hipofosfatemia often occurs in the use of platinum preparations, preparations cyclophosphamid hyponatremia on the use and vincristine