Sunday, February 12, 2012

Signs and Symptoms of High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)

The cause of high blood pressure (hypertension) mostly unknown, but researchers have shown that high blood pressure associated with insulin resistance or increased insulin levels (hyper insulin's). Both, high blood pressure and insulin resistance is a characteristic of the metabolic syndrome, abnormalities group consisting   of obesity, increased triglycerides and low HDL (good cholesterol). 

 Researchers have also identified a dozen genes that contribute to high blood pressure. Although hypertension seems to be a hereditary disease, but the relationship is not simple. Hypertension is the result of the interaction of diverse genes, so there is no genetic test that can identify people at risk for hypertension occurs consistently. 

Whatever the cause, high blood pressure have a major impact on society. High blood pressure is a major risk factor for heart attack, stroke and heart failure. AHA report, 69% of patients with heart attacks, 77% of patients with stroke and 74% of patients with heart failure suffer from hypertension.

Incidence of hypertension, can lead to serious consequences, but the incidence of hypertension can be diagnosed easily and controlled with a healthy lifestyle modifications and medication. So it's important to do blood pressure checks periodically and when it was diagnosed with hypertension. Patients should seek help and follow the management given by a doctor. If hypertension is left without treatment the blood pressure will continue to rise gradually and lead to excessive cardiac workload. Excessive workload of the heart, eventually resulting in serious damage to blood vessels and organs such as heart, kidney, eye and brain. 

 Hypertension patients have an increased risk for occurrence of :
  • Cardiovascular disease (heart failure, sudden death, cardiomyopathy) and arrhythmia's stroke
  • Coronary Heart Disease
  • Aortic aneurysm (weakness of the aortic wall resulting in dilatation of up to 1.5 times greater and the risk for rupture) often lead to sudden death kidney failure
  • Retinopathy (eye disease that can lead to blindness).
Risk to occur one or more of the above conditions, increases with increasing blood pressure. Distribution of blood pressure is made to help the understanding of doctors and patients about the dangers associated with hypertension. Following categories apply to adults who do not drink at the time of high blood pressure medication.

Systolic Blood Pressure 
Diastolic Blood Pressure
≤ 120 mm Hg
≤ 80 mm Hg
120-139 mm Hg
80-89 mm Hg
Stage  1
(Small Hypertension)
140-159 mm Hg
90-99 mm Hg
Stage 2
(Medium Hypertension)
160-179 mm Hg
100-109 mm Hg
Stage 3
(Serious Hypertension)
180-209 mm Hg
110-119 mm Hg
Stage 4
(Malignant hypertension)

210 mm Hg or more
120mm Hg or more

* Optimal limit for the risk of cardiovascular disease. But blood pressure is too low (below 90/60) also can lead to heart problems and need medical help.
** Pre-hypertension is a condition in which is not required medication, but included the high-risk groups to be hypertension, coronary heart disease and stroke. Individuals with pre-hypertension do not need the medication but it is recommended to perform healthy lifestyle modifications are important to prevent an increase in blood pressure. Healthy lifestyle modifications include weight loss, diet, exercise, reducing salt intake, quitting smoking and limiting alcohol.

Factors that increase the risk of hypertension are :
  • Descent
  • Age
  • Weight loss
  • Salt consumption
  • Type of race
  • Diet and lifestyle
  • Sports activities
High blood pressure can cause signs and symptoms of which include :
  • Fatigue
  • Confused
  • Nausea or indigestion
  • Disorders or vision problems
  • Excessive sweating
  • Skin that looks pale and nosebleeds
  • Feeling of Anxiety
  • A strong heartbeat, rapid and irregular
  • The sound of ringing ears
  • Impotence
  • Dizziness
  • Headache

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