Coronary Cardiovascular disease is a cardiovascular disease which
is mainly caused by narrowing of the arteries coronary due process of
atherosclerosis or spasm, or a combination of both. Coronary Cardiovascular
disease is a very scary and still be a problem both in developed and developing
countries. The survey results showed that the prevalence of coronary
cardiovascular disease increased from year to year. The cause of death also
tends to change from infectious diseases to cardiovascular diseases such as
coronary cardiovascular disease and degenerative.
Clinical manifestations of classical coronary cardiovascular
disease is angina pectoris. Angina pectoris is a clinical syndrome in which
chest pain arising obtained at the time to do activities because of ischemic
myocardial . This indicates that there has been> 70% narrowing of the
coronary arteries. Angina pectoris may appear as stable angina pectoris (
stable angina) and this situation could develop into more severe and cause
acute coronary syndrome, known as sudden cardiac arrest (heart attack) and can cause
The definition of Coronary Cardiovascular Disease
Stable angina pectoris is a
symbol of the clinic which is characterized by discomfort in the chest, jaw,
shoulder, back or arm, which is usually triggered by physical work or emotional
stress. All that can be reduced by rest or by nitroglycerin medication.
Prinzmetal Angina is chest
pain caused by coronary artery spasm, This is often occur at rest time, is not
related to physical activity and sometimes cyclic (at the same time each day).
Acute Coronary Syndrome is a clinical syndrome that has the same
basic pathophysiology that is the erosion, fissures, or atheroma plaque
rupture, causing intravascular thrombosis leading to an imbalance of supply and
myocardial oxygen demand.
Types of Acute Coronary Syndrome are:
- Unstable angina pectoris (unstable angina) are characterized by suddenly chest pain and more severe, the attacks much longer (more than 20 minutes) and more frequently. Angina is emerging (less than one month), angina that arises within one month after infarction are also classified in unstable angina.
- Acute myocardial infarction is the pain of angina in acute cardiovascular infarction are generally more severe and longer (30 minutes or more). Nevertheless cardiac infarction can occur without chest pain (20-25%). Miokad acute infarction can be nonQMI (NSTEMI) and Q-wave MI (STEMI).
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