Monday, February 6, 2012

Lipid arrangements in the Body

Primary goal is LDL-C <160 mm / dl if 1 risk factor, LDL-C <130 mg / dl if they have 2 risk factors and CHD risk of 20% or LDL-C <100 mg / dl if 2 risk factors owned and has a 10% risk of CHD 20% or if the patient is also affected by diabetes.
 Secondary goals (if LDL-C is the main target) if trigiserid> 200 mg / dL, then non-HDL-C is used as the second goal; non HDL-C <190 mg / dl to 1 risk factor; non HDL-C <160 mm / dl to 2 risk factors and 10-year CHD risk 20% for non-HDL-C <130 mg / dl for diabetes or with 2 risk factors and CHD 10 year risk> 20%.
Other therapeutic targets: triglycerides> 150 mg / dl; HDL-C <40 mg / dl in men and <50 mg / dl in women. Physical activity
Physical activity at least 30 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity every day within 1 week Regulation of body weight.Weight management goals to achieve and maintain weight (BMI 18.5 to 24.9 kg / m²) when BMI 25 kg / m², waist circumference 40 inches in men and 35 inches in women.
Management of Diabetes
KGD fasting (<110 mg / dl) and HbA1c (<7%) Chronic Atrial Fibrillation.
The goal is to achieve sinus rhythm or if it appears chronic atrial fibrasi, anticoagulants with INR 2.0 to 3.0 (target 2.5)

The conclusion

Coronary heart disease risk factors such as diabetes mellitus, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, obesity and smoking can cause the lining of the coronary vascular endothelium will be damaged so that the normal formation of plaque in coronary arteries and lead to a reduced flow / myocardial ischemia and coronary heart disease occurred. When the atherosclerotic plaque ruptures would cause sudden cardiac arrest.
Although the way diagnostic coronary heart disease is different, every physician should be aware of the capabilities and limitations of each of these. To make a thorough diagnosis, it is not always a patient should undergo all the checks. In a patient trial of physical exercise may be an examination to be sufficient, but others may be necessary in patients without previous coronary arteriography underwent physical exercise test.
Treatment of Coronary Heart Disease is the pharmacological treatment, cardiology and surgical interventions. Besides that it is necessary of lifestyle modification and overcome the risk factors / causes of that disease progression can be slowed.
PCI acts as well as heart bypass surgery done in accordance with appropriate indications. With the rapid advances in the field of interventional cardiology, most cases of coronary heart disease that used to do heart surgery, can now be overcome by PCI ( Percutneous Coronary Intervention. Currently PCI or Primary PCI measures are routinely done.
Prevention of coronary heart disease was considered especially important in high-risk group. Risk factor screening should begin at the age of 20 years, especially when there is family history of coronary heart disease. All adults aged over 40 years should know the the amount of the risk factors and prediction of coronary heart disease risk in 10 years with the aim of lowering the risk factor as much as possible. Patients with diabetes or a 10-year risk> 20% of patients considered as coronary heart disease (CHD risk equivalent).

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