Obstruction due to tumors or tumor intrabronkial clog directly outside the
bronchial pressure bronchus causing obstruction. Blockages can intrabronkial partial or total and
sometimes necessary actions to improve patient quality of life.
Clinical features
Complaints of shortness of breath accompanied by breath sounds can occur in severe obstruction. Complaints will increased when accompanied by "mucus plug". On physical examination will be found decreased breath sounds on the pulmonary side of the sick, and can also be found pathological breath sounds, such as wheezing on expiration and inspiration, expiratory sounds stidor elongated or when airway obstruction is great.
Perform bronchial toilet when there is a mucus plug. Lase bronchoscopy followed by stenting can done when a thick obstruction intrabronkial still known. It is necessary to complications this laser action does not occur and also needed to determine the required size of the stent. When blockages caused by suppression ekstrabronkial mass, or obstruction can not intrabronkial treated with laser bronchoscopy and stent then surgery should be considered. On certain circumstances can be given endobronchial radiation (brachytherapy) on the boundary of the proximal and distal 3 cm from the constriction, the dose (5-8 Gy) 1 cm from the axis of the radio source is active. If endobronchial radiation can not be done, it can be given external radiation in the area of bronchial narrowing and mucosal area with a dose of 3-4 Gy / fraction subject.
Thoracic Wall Invasion
Not infrequently the tumor located in peripheral lung showed that the invasion of the thoracic wall cause severe pain complaints, for example in Pancoast tumors. Complaints can also occur due process of bone metastasis to different dads hit the cavity radiation action immediately to reduce the volume of complaints can be given .Target is the location that give rise to complaints heard adjacent mediastinum. Radiation dose: 3-4 Gy /fraksi.
Coughing blood (haemoptysis)
Hemoptysis in lung cancer as well as it can sometimes require immediate life-threatening. In massive blood coughing action bronchoscopy should be performed immediately, in addition to remove the clot blood (stool cell), this action is also necessary to know the source of bleeding is beneficial when required surgery to resolve it. Radiation is one of noninvasiv to blood cough.